
Home Staging Tips That Can Help Increase The Resale Value Of Your Home

Today, it can be hard to sell a house. Usually, homeowners are forced to cut down their selling price to attract buyers. With proper home staging, you can finally sell your house at a good price.

Some people fail to consider the benefits of home staging Brisbane because of the additional costs. This is because acquiring the services of an expert ‘home stager’ and a few renovation projects would demand a bit of investment. However, there is a way to do this without breaking the bank. Besides, staging is not just about decorations and tidying up. It’s about creating an illusion of a bigger, warmer, brighter and cleaner house that would make buyers want to buy the moment they see it. The trick is how you’re going to do this without spending too much. Here are some tips how.

1. Fix grimy bathroom walls

Eliminate bathroom mold with a mixture of water and bleach. Spray the solution on the wall to remove the grime. Give the walls a new paint job to make them look more refreshing and new.

2. Hook up a new sink

Most buyers just love pedestal sinks. This is because they show the square footage even in small bathrooms. They showcase the total space you have on your bathroom floor. So, put down your old sink and install a new one.

3. Clear up the clutter

This process is one of the easiest and least expensive way of improving the resale value of your house. Make it a rule that when a new piece of furniture comes in, you need to remove an old one from your house. Among the major culprits for a house clutter is having too many furniture items. So, take a good look at your house and remove anything that resembles an eye sore. You can have them for sale or give them to the neighbors.

4. Develop your curb appeal

A landscaping project is great but it could be way above your budget limit. To improve the curb appeal of your home, at least have a freshly mowed lawn, rake the leaves or shovel the snow. You might want to consider putting a hanging or a potted plant at the entrance. Thoroughly scrub the front door, porch and exterior railings and steps. This is the least expensive option that you have than repainting.

5. Enhance your lighting

If you want to easily sell your home at a good price, consider investing in your home’s lighting. It is important to keep everything properly lighted. A dark room would appear smaller and even creeps especially during daytime. Brighten up your walls if they seem to suck up all the light in a room.

6. Look for a furniture hire company

There are a lot of display furniture for rent in Brisbane to choose from. This will allow you to put more attitude and style into your home without buying anything. You just need to find the right furniture that would greatly improve the way your home looks.

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